Monday, March 24, 2008

characteristics of an ideal child

listen more
talk less
think big
cut all bond relations(just be far from them)

gayatri mantra

om bhoor bhuvasvaha
tasyavuthurva rainyam
bhargodevasya deemahi
diyo yonam prachodayaat

guru mantra

guruubrahmaa gururvishnuh
gururdevo maheshvaraha
gurursaakshyaat parabrahma
tasmai shree gurave namaha

vedic personalities

bharadwaja-aeronautical engineer

vedic concept of water prayer

Water of a certain quantity is taken equally in two mud made pots & in one pot it is made such that the water in it has a reflection of good words written on leaves and the other pot water has bad words reflected and for instance let us take another pot of water with nothing reflecting in it.
Now,if we observe after ten minutes we observe varying effects in the water pots.
This experiment is done by a Japanese scientist.
This means that every nature's element behaves differently with respect to their conditions surrounding it.
So when ever you are drinking water or eating food(vegetarian-vedic diet)please chant some vedic mantras such as the following:-
om praanaaya svaahaa
om apaanaaya svaahaa
om udaanaaya svaahaa
om vyaanaaya svaahaa
om samaanaaya svaahaa
It produces a pious effect on you and surroundings.